Happiness keeps us sweet, trials keep us strong. Sorrows keep us human. Failures keep us humble. Success keeps us growing, but ONLY God keeps us going.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Can a burp be an exciting thing?

...absolutely!!  I never thought I would be so excited to hear a burp escape from the mouth of an 8 month old.  That's right, Josiah is finally squeezing a burp out now.  Lately after Josiah drinks his 8oz. he is expressing a small burp.  It's not huge and he still requires being "vented" with the tube to get the rest of the air out of his belly.  It is definitely progress and a leap in the right direction!  It has been almost 4 months since surgery and his surgeon was not giving him much longer to burp before having to go back in and loosen the wrap that was put around his sphincter.   Now that he is able to do so, the end is in sight.  Once he is able to expel the air after each feeding without needing to be vented, he will no longer need the tube and they will begin the process of removing it.  Instead of having the g-tube removed and suturing up the hole, layer by layer, they are going to try to let his body do its job and close up on its own.  They will put in a smaller tube and allow the body to close around that, then a smaller one and a smaller one until they have the smallest one in the wound.  Then they will remove that one and cauterize the hole to close on its own.  This will be the best option for Josiah, since we all know how he handled surgery and extubation last time.  If this does not work, then he will have to go under and they will suture up each layer from the stomach lining all the way to the epidermis.  They are expecting he will have the tube at least another 4 months.

Last week we went up to the hospital just for a visit.  It was so nice to see his NICU team and celebrate with them for all of his progress.  His neonatologist  Dr. Farhi was happy to see him and his favorite R.N. Renee Marten, passed him back and forth just loving all over him.  They showered him with new wubbanub pacis (the pacis with the animals attached that he uses) and sissy got new baby bottles for her dolls. If you have a NICU graduate, take that trip down memory lane and reward your child's team with a visit from their once tiny patient.  I think it is also healthy for mommy to visit and turn what was once a depressing, scary, and somber place into a happy one with reason to rejoice.  It was refreshing to make new memories with his NICU family, ones filled with excitement and encouragement on the journey we have taken and what our future holds.  We love them and they will always be in this mamas heart, heroes in scrubs.


Mr. Josiah is really growing!  Sitting all on his own now, makes him look like such a big boy.  Every milestone strong man reaches, is another reason to praise God.  This will all be a memory and a story to tell, as we watch our little boy continue to thrive.  One day he will be eating everything in sight and winning burping contests with the guys, and I will look back and smile the smile of a proud mama.  A mama, who at many times, wondered if her little boy would get a chance at a normal life.

The kids have a new friend.  The "puurrr-fect companion".  We had been talking for a while about getting a pet for Emily.  We knew a dog would be entirely too much work and added stress so we thought about a kitten and the more we thought it through, we decided that a kitten would not be the best match either.  Perhaps a young cat.  One that has calmed down out of the kitten stage but still young enough to want to play.  We checked out a 7 month old kitty at the Richmond SPCA.  On two different days and a total of about 5 hours, I watched this cat.  Studied his behavior, personality and habits and knew for sure that he would be the perfect addition!  The SPCA is really a wonderful place, they have 3 different rooms called "catillions" where they put 8-10 cats together all day.  The room is filled with toys and tunnels and cubbies, a really neat place.  Like Chuck-e-Cheese for felines!  You can even have your child's birthday party at the SPCA, I happened to be there during one of the parties and saw how the cats acted when the room was suddenly filled with 10 little boys and girls!  Most of them ran, some stayed but weren't sure and then there was "Tobias" the one I had my eye on....he went straight up to the children and allowed them all to pet and play with him.  He just layed down and sprawled out on the floor.  That was when I knew, he was coming home with me.  The first time we went, we took both kids and the 2nd time; just Josiah.  Having them in the enclosed room for hours with these cats, would have exposed any allergy either of them may have had to the animals and there were no symptoms.  We also knew that we could take the cat home for a 30 day trial period and if it didn't work out, we could bring him back.  That was not going to happen, but it was nice knowing we had the option.  Emily named him "Gobi" after her pawpaw's fish.  He has been the perfect pet since the moment we got him home.  He is big for his age, he looks full grown but is the same age as Josiah.  Gobi is so tolerant and affectionate.  He is so wonderful with the kids and the torture he endures.  Josiah goes straight for the ears and tail and the kitty is happy to lend himself as a toy LOL!  Of course I always put a stop to it, as Emily is learning he is not a baby doll.  He has no reaction to her carrying him around the house but she is learning that mommy isn't allowing it.  Don't worry, we know what any animal is capable of and we practice all precautions.  The kids doors are shut at night and naps and their monitors are turned on so that we can still see and hear them.  I would never trust the kitty to be alone with Josiah, because even as sweet and perfect as he is, I understand the risks.   The litter box is upstairs, where the children are not allowed.  I have never seen a more perfect animal.  His only flaw....thinking he can sleep in between mommy and daddy :)
going for the ears!