We have had great days and we have had terrible ones but I can honestly say that I have continued to praise God through both. One Thursday afternoon while sitting in the NICU holding my sweet girl, the pain that I had experienced throughout the day became intense and beyond bearable. I went down to the ER only to discover that the same thorny 1/2" kidney stone which caused so many problems throughout pregnancy, was ready for battle yet again! This time that stone was causing much chaos and we were going to put an end to it. I was admitted that night and surgery was scheduled for the following afternoon. My physical pain was soon coupled with emotional ache. I was told I would have to stay in my room because my Urologist had not given any orders, allowing me to roam about the hospital. There I was stuck, not only in the same hospital as my 1 month old but the same floor on the opposite side in med/surg. I called down to let them know where to reach me and to check on little Lexi. The next morning brought bad news, "Alexis had a very rough night, she dropped her sats and stopped breathing beyond our stimulating her. Ms. Cimburke, we had to 'bag' her multiple times to get her back. She is now back on the warmer (intensive care table) where we can watch her more closely."
We are all feeling comfortable with her blood pressures and the cardiologist has already noticed a difference in her heart! Since it is not working as hard, the muscle has had the chance to relax a little more and is softening back up. This is a long process and it will be a while before she has a healed heart. She still has the murmur and although the PDA ( Patent Ductus Arteriosus) seems to have closed, she still has a PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale). We have faith that it will also close and cause no further complications for Miss Alexis.
St. Patty's day, mommy made green bows for all of Lexi's girl "roommates" |
Lasix - lungs and fluid retention
Aminophylln - apnea and lungs
Captopril - blood pressure
Sodium Chloride - supplement (the Lasix has removed too much of what she naturally produces)
Potassium - supplement (the Lasix has removed too much of what she naturally produces)
She now gets 44ml per feeding, and is eating either by mouth or NG (nasal gastric feeding tube) every 3 hours.
I am sure I am failing to update on something, but I think for I have covered the most important. I am writing this entry during my 1 hour break from the hospital. The big question that everyone asks "when is she coming home" I do not have an answer to. She needs to take all feedings by mouth, continue to gain weight, and keep the apneas to a minimum If you want to know.....ask little Lexi, its up to her ;-)