I stare at this blank entry not knowing where to begin. Surgery went beautifully, the trouble was in recovery. The worst was sandwiched between the best though, so overall it has been a phenomenal experience.
She was taken down the hall in what would be her 4th parade during this admission. As she is rolled down the hall on her float (aka: hospital crib) the nurses all wave and smile at her, with well wishes and love. I told her that if she intends on being Miss Virginia, then she needs to practice her "parade wave". She was disappointed that she was being pulled by people instead of white horses, but she managed. Once downstairs, the first hard part approached...the signing of papers and the handing over of our child. No matter how many times I do this, no matter how many children I go through this with, that is the one part that has yet to become easier. So many emotions embody that one gesture, of putting your child's life in somebody's hands. However, I am constantly reminded of Isiah 41:10 "
fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". I now have a ring with it engraved onto it and it is a great reminder. Although we have to leave her, God is always welcomed into the OR with our precious children, His precious children.
We knew she would be in great hands with her surgeons, she actually had 2 working on her, Dr. Oiticica and Dr. Bagwell. Dr. O was one of the surgeons that separated the conjoined twins from, Dominican Republic, at MCV last November. Along with Dr. David Lanning (who did Josiah's surgery). We are so blessed to live in a state with such sought-after surgeons!
40 minutes after taking her back to the operating room, they called the waiting room phone to inform us that she was successfully under anesthesia and the first incision had been made, surgery had officially started. We were anticipating 4 hours, because that was the duration of Josiah's procedure. 2 hours after that initial phone call, Dr. Bagwell came walking into the waiting room. My heart was in my throat until I saw him smile. Since we were not expecting her to be out that quickly, I thought certainly he was coming to bare bad news. "Everything went great, she did beautifully. We are keeping her on the ventilator at least through the night. She will be going up to her room shortly. Give them about 15 minutes to get her settled and yall can go up." Of course this was magnificent to hear but as we were in the elevator going up, I could feel the tightness in my chest. The anxiety had begun and the true terror was setting in.
This was the time in Josiah's recovery that he left us,
this was the part that I will never erase from my mind.

We get to her room, and find her in a very peaceful and comfortable state. It was awe-inspiring to walk into this situation. For a few hours she did not show any signs of waking up. They had paralyzed her with medication and had paralyzed me with fear and doubt. I stood over her motionless body and just spoke to God in my heart. We just wanted her to wake up! It was hours!! I put my sister on the phone and held it to Lexi's ear, finally....she started to flutter her eyelids at the sound of her "T-T's" voice, yet again, I stood amazed! She was in and out. Continuing to drift back into temporary paralysis. I was bedside the entire time talking to her, reading to her and praying with her. We even played a bit of "this little piggy" only we personalized it the Cimburke way. "This little piggy went to Chippenham. This little piggy stayed at meanmaws This little piggy had surgery. This little piggy did not ....and this little piggy cried "weee-weee-wee. WAKE UP!" Finally she began fighting against the vent and the doctor's decided she could come off and go to oxygen.
off the breathing tube and ventilator and on oxygen |
This was the next horrific step. Often times turning blue then dark all over and stiff....as she fought to fill her lungs with oxygen her stats would drop lower and lower and then we could finally get her to take that breath and she would start to come back up. She required a high flow of oxygen, 90% at 2 liters but never had to be bagged or revived like the problematic recovery of her brother. Throughout the night she was suffering in pain and could only get morphine and Tylenol but for the most part her numbers were good while on the oxygen. Miss Alexis the great, then decided she didnt need the O2 any longer and pulled the cannula out of her nose. So it sat on the top of her nose the first part of the morning and she proved herself! We removed it and she has done terrific all day, and just on Tylenol! Dare I say, today she has been the happiest and most comfortable that I have ever seen her. Her entire 4 months of life she has battled the pain of reflux and not being able to breathe properly, finally.....relief!
They started doing drip feeds this morning into her G-tube (the tube that goes straight to the stomach and comes out of her abdomen) first that started with 5ml (1 tsp) every hour and they are increasing her by 5ml every 6 hours. Currently we are at 15ml and she is tolerating it well. The goal is to get her to 30ml an hour. No word yet, as to when she will be able to attempt something by mouth but it wont be anytime soon.
We are singing the Lord's praises and I am still just in awe at his almighty power! Once again, Alexis has impressed her doctors. I can now honestly say, I do not mind being "contracted out" to show God's love and grace and be able to inspire others.
Philippians 4:7 "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can
understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in
Christ Jesus."