Happiness keeps us sweet, trials keep us strong. Sorrows keep us human. Failures keep us humble. Success keeps us growing, but ONLY God keeps us going.

Monday, March 5, 2012

If its not one thing, its a .... flutter! (heart murmur)

 With the seizure concerns behind her, Miss Alexis has decided to give the Doctors, nurses and her parents something else to wonder about!  All of her previous testings have come back normal, there is no sign of a seizure disorder and even though she has had seizure activity, there is no reason to suspect it will continue.  There is also no sign of infection anywhere within her tiny, precious body and her temperature is maintaining average.  Her newest thought provoking problem is a recently discovered heart murmur.  She has been having high blood pressure for about a week now and her heart rate still fluctuates.  She has a lot of bradys (low heart rates) due to reflux and when she does brady, her oxygen saturation drops as well because she is not able to take the breathes she needs.  Occasionally her heart rate will go very high for no reason, and then she "fixes" it herself.

A cardiologist is coming to see Lexi today, she is also having an Echo-cardiogram done to get a look at her heart.  This will help determine where the murmur is coming from.  It could be related to the high blood pressure or it could be a separate issue.  As of two days ago, she is now being administered Hydralazine to help lower and control her blood pressure.  We have seen it go down a bit but it is still very abnormally high for her size and gestation.

sissy wanted Lexi to play barbies with her, so mommy brought one up to the hospital for Lexi to play with :)

Today I had to sign consent for her to receive a blood transfusion.  Her levels are pretty low and they are planning to test again in the morning to see if they have come back up.  We were told about the possibility of needing the transfusion, last week but it was not until today that they were more concerned with her levels.  Having low sodium levels as well, Alexis is now getting sodium chloride to help keep her in balance.  Basically, her body cannot replace what it is losing, as quick as it is losing it.  Lexi is also showing that she desires to be like her big brother and sister.  She is having a lot of reflux and vomiting.  Still getting mommy's milk through the NG tube but not tolerating it quite as well as she was.   She now weighs 3lbs 3oz!
Mommy and daddy have been enjoying loving on their amazing little girl!!

I will update again soon.  Hopefully we will know more about our sweetheart's heart tonight.

Alexis has now had her temperature probe removed and is able to wear clothes!!  Even the teeniest preemie clothes swallow her whole, but it is such an exciting milestone!

1 comment:

  1. Thannks for Alexis update. Many of my friends in Seattle are praying earnestly for her well being.
