I never acknowledged the mass amount of caring souls I had in my life until I knew of all the prayers being sent up. How quickly people passed the information around and the requests for prayers from their friends and family. We have had so many kind words sent to us from people we have never met or spoken to. So many people praying for our struggles and our Strong Man during this time. I hope everyone will rejoice with us as well, we have so much to be thankful for.
Josiah's first attempt at the bottle was less than encouraging, the 2nd try as well. He finished the 3rd one, all 30ml. He was offered the 4th one at 9pm and he was chugging like a champ! We are giving it to him every 3 hours and will gradually increase the volume until he is at the correct rate for his size. He is keeping it down, although he is continuing to reflux it is very minor. He will have the G-tube and will get some feeds through that for a while. We still cannot quite hold him, The tube has to be vented for 1 week post op. That means he has the tube with a large syringe suspended above him, allowing gravity to take its course. Keeping air out of his tummy, allowing him to heal and not worry about burping during that critical healing process.
He has been a bit more like himself today, smiling and laughing. We have been moved out of the PICU and now on the peds floor. We are in a semi-private room which makes me semi-uncomfortable. I was stressing very badly about it, on the verge of an anxiety attack. Worried about infection, and the other patient and their support team. At Chippenham, all rooms are private. We have never had to have the kids in a semi-private room. Well, God knows what he is doing. The person who was put into the room with us, also came from the PICU. We shared a conjoining restroom. Her son had brain surgery and is doing AWESOME! Laughing and throwing a ball, like nothing ever happened. These children are so resilient and God is so remarkable!! The bathroom is on her side of the room, but the TV is on ours LOL fair trade :) The little boy is quiet and the parents are very considerate, we are blessed...yet again!!
He will eat again in an hour, at 12am. 2oz is what he will be offered. He has had a very fussy day, still extremely gassy from all the bagging Friday morning and the surgery as well. His vitals have been wonderful, aside from a low grade temperature that was resolved with Tylenol. No morphine at all today! He should come off IV fluids tomorrow. If all goes well we will be back at home as a family of 4 in no time! Emily will be going to church tomorrow morning to see all her friends, she has missed them!
Colossians 3:17
What a wonderful thing to wake up and read. I check numerous times a day to see if Angela has posted an update and every morning to read your new posts. I admire your strength to get it all down in words. I'm sure you and your family have a long road ahead of you. Prayers continue for you all!