Happiness keeps us sweet, trials keep us strong. Sorrows keep us human. Failures keep us humble. Success keeps us growing, but ONLY God keeps us going.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

He is a happy boy!  Look at this face, tube free!!  Such a precious little miracle our baby boy is :)
Getting home at 4pm yesterday, these past 24 hours have been a whirlwind!  I would have loved to update all of our followers and prayer warriors sooner, however there has been a lot needing my attention.  Josiah has been in a lot of pain today and Emily just got back home this morning.  She was needing some "mommy time", or perhaps mommy was needing some "Emily time".  There has not been much I can do for Strong Man when he starts to scream.  It's so tough when you can't fix your babies and I have never prayed out as hard in my life, as this week has brought me to my knees!  Spent much of the morning on the phone with doctors and medical supply companies.  We have scheduled 5 appointments this week.  We spend more time in and out of medical offices than medical professionals! LOL I have 11 doctors in my phone, pitiful! ha!

He will start at the Children's Hospital in Richmond, Wednesday.  While there, they will construct a plan for his eating aversions.  This will all be outpatient, as we work with doctors and therapist to become educated on the best path to recovery.  His past few feeds have been offered by mouth,  what he doesn't finish goes through his tube.  About half of what he should be eating he won't take orally.  As of now, his tube has to be "vented" which means it has to hang above him with an open syringe on the end, this allows the air to escape from his stomach while he heals.

He is finally allowed to lay on his back, flat!  Such a milestone.  This is the set up.
He is healing well and will have the sutures removed Wednesday.  His incisions looks great and everything is free of infection.

The redness is just irritation from the material the sutures are made from.  I have asked multiple times to ensure it is not infection.

We still have quite the journey ahead of us,  but just look at where we have come from!!  No one suffers in vein :)


This is hard to explain, the 1st picture shows the heital hernia and those that follow are from the Nissen.  You can see where the stomach was wrapped around and sewn.  The black thread is the sutures.

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