Happiness keeps us sweet, trials keep us strong. Sorrows keep us human. Failures keep us humble. Success keeps us growing, but ONLY God keeps us going.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Emily's babies are his "friends"

just another moment, between brother and sister :)

Weighing in at 12lbs now, Josiah is really beginning to thrive.  Yesterday he finished two, 4 ounce bottles.  I feel so proud when I see those tiny jaw muscles really doing to work to drink a bottle.  That is something we have missed for months.  It's like it just "clicked" and he remembered what to do again!  His surgeon suggested that instead of venting him after each feeding, to allow the air to escape, just continue attempting to burp him.  Typically, it takes 2 weeks after surgery for the swelling to decrease and the patient to regain the ability to burp.  Strong man is still having a tough time with this.  We will continue to work with him in hopes that he will improve.  The only concern is that, if he is not burping than perhaps the wrap is too tight. Dr. Lanning (the surgeon) said he made Josiah's a bit tighter than usual because he had so many life threatening events and was so severe in his reflux.  He said, even so, it should not be so tight that he cannot burp when needed.

The site where the g-tube is, had to be cauterized Tuesday.  Josiah was less than enthused during that process.  They had to basically burn the wound, with silver nitrate.  He was in a lot of pain, as you can imagine, it is an excruciating process.  He had granulation tissue, which basically is his stomach tissue protruding out around the opening of the wound.  It's just one of those things that accompanies a "g-tube life".  We were told to expect it, and how to approach it.

Josiah is such a happy little boy these days.  I am seeing that the surgery has made such a difference for him.  His home care nurse approved us giving him more time on his belly.  He rolled over!!  Of course this was such a proud moment for mommy =)

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